dermal fillers in Jalandhar

Dermal fillers are a non-invasive anti-aging treatment. It is a very popular type of cosmetic treatment that can reduce the signs of aging and provide a youthful appearance for an individual.

As we get older, our body starts losing certain tissues like collagen, hyalutonic acid and others, which are essential for a plump, glowing and youthful skin. Dermal fillers play the role of those tissues and provide a youthful appearance to the patient. There are many different types of dermal fillers in Jalandhar.


  • Hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is the most popular type of dermal filler. Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in soft tissues such as skin, and in cartilage of the joint. It can reduce depression in the skin due to a scar, injury or line.
  • Calcium Hydroxylapatote. This filler is used to increase the volume of the cheek bones and jaw lines. It is produced synthetically, which means it does not cause any allergic reaction. It is also used as a dental filler.
  • This filler is used to increase the volume of lips and provide fuller lips. It is also a synthetic filler and does not cause any allergic reaction. This filler is also used by plastic surgeons in other facial procedures.
  • It is used to treat medium to deep wrinkles and folds in the skin. It is semi-permanent filler which provides a lasting effect.
  • Polylactic acid. Polylactic acid is different from other types of filler. It does not show immediate results. It stimulates the production of collagen in the skin and shows the result gradually. It provides a more lasting and natural look.
  • Fat grafting. Fat grafting procedure is a procedure in which the fat of your own body is used as fillers to provide a plump skin. It is the only type of fillers that requires surgery. Fat graft is produced from other parts of the body during liposuction surgery.

There are many different products of dermal fillers in Jalandhar, your surgeon will determine which type of filler is best for you according to your needs.

During the procedure

Dermal filler is a non invasive treatment; it is performed by a board-certified plastic or cosmetic surgeon.

Before the procedure, the area will be cleaned and numbed using a small dose of anesthesia. Then the surgeon will inject the dermal fillers carefully into the skin. It is a short-time treatment that shows immediate results after the procedure.

In the case of fat grafting, the surgeon performs minor surgery like liposuction to remove some of the fat tissue from other parts of the body and then injects it into the facial tissue.


Although dermal fillers are a non-invasive treatment, they carry some risks of complications. Some common risks related to dental fillers include,

  • Allergic reactions
  • Swelling or inflammation
  • Rashes or itching
  • Bleeding or redness
  • Change in skin color
  • Infection
  • Pain or burning sensation
  • Scarring
  • Trouble breathing or speaking.

There can also be a risk of dissatisfaction or disappointment. Therefore, to avoid such risks, it is very important for you to consult an experienced plastic or cosmetic surgeon.

54 years ago